About Pinpoint Data's Services


Pinpoint Data now offers manufacturers an invaluable resource for promotions development: online Product Data Dispatcher™!

How does it work?
The Product Data Dispatcher™ closes the gap between data distributed by Sales (often without correct Family Codes) and what Promotions expects for accurate offer validation at POS. Users can review each product's Family Code assignment in current POS data, and then enter or upload additions or corrections with the easy-to-use website. Each week, the Product Data Dispatcher™ electronically delivers all manufacturer assignments to distributors for POS delivery. That's it! The Product Data Dispatch interface lets users view their own data and current POS data side-by-side - and highlights discrepancies for easy clean-up. It also notifies users when Family Code assignments don't follow GS1-US guidelines. Learn about the Product Data Distribution Process!

How will Pinpoint's Product Data Dispatcher™ help my company?

Improves reliability of POS Family Code data
Single-entry process streamlines new product data release and update processes. Places family code and product data in the control of the right user group. Simplifies correction procedure for inaccurate POS data. Reduces Data lag between manufacturers and POS through electronic delivery. Helps users prevent fines and unintended redemptions magnified by the increased importance placed on Family Codes in GS1 DataBar coupons.

Becomes a centralized resource for Product and Family Code Development and Maintenance
Provides an immediate count and detailed list of all products found in today's POS data for review and update. Allows instant verification of real-world data in real time!Identifies products in today's POS data that are inaccurate or have Family Codes that are not included in your company's structure. Product data can be downloaded to any computer with a single click of a mouse.

Universally accessible to all of your users - worldwide!
One master list will be available to all authorized users, in any department, in any location. Allows any authorized user to update product data instantly as needed. Product data can be accessed as required by outside agencies for reference and promotions production.

How does my company start using the Product Data Dispatcher™?
Contact Pinpoint Data at (908) 756-9400 for details and pricing.